In compliance with the provisions of the applicable Data Protection regulations, we inform you that the data that will be treated as the Controller by BODEGAS FRANCO-ESPAÑOLAS, S.A., whose purpose of processing is to provide the service that the user requests through our form contact information and to do so we need you to check the enabled box that indicates your acceptance of this policy, so that if you do not do so we will not have your express consent and therefore we will not be able to respond to your request.

For the correct provision of the services offered by BODEGAS FRANCO-ESPAÑOLAS, S.A., it is necessary that the user answers each and every one of the questions that appear in the forms on our website. Likewise, the user declares that she is of legal age.

The processing of the requested personal data will also have as its purpose the sending of commercial information related to products and services offered currently and in the future by BODEGAS FRANCO-ESPAÑOLAS, S.A.; This information includes advertising and promotional communications, through postal mail, fax, email or any other means. To carry out this treatment, it is necessary for the user to check the box enabled for this purpose in the form on the website.

In the case in which the user subscribes to our newsletter, we will use their email address, it will become part of our database to send news. In order to subscribe to this service you must check the subscription box, otherwise you will not be subscribed to our newsletter.

Given the personal nature of the data provided, BODEGAS FRANCO-ESPAÑOLAS, S.A. undertakes to treat them with strict confidentiality, maintaining due secrecy; to this end, the entity has implemented appropriate security measures in accordance with the risk analysis carried out.

We inform you that your data will not be transferred to third parties nor will international data transfers be made, except for legal obligation or necessary transfer only and exclusively when necessary for the provision of the requested service, in which case consent will be requested for this.


The data collected and processed will be kept for a limited period of time, said period will be necessary to comply with the legal obligations imposed on BODEGAS FRANCO-ESPAÑOLAS, S.A. due to the different applicable regulations.

The user as interested party can exercise the following rights at any time at the address indicated in the Legal Notice:

Right of access: the interested party may request from the Controller the data processed and, if so, what specific personal data is processed.

Right to rectification: the interested party may request the Controller to correct his or her personal data if it is not accurate.

Right of deletion: the interested party may request the Controller to delete their personal data.

Right to object: the interested party may object to the Controller processing their personal data.
Right to limit processing: the interested party may request that the Controller temporarily not process his or her personal data in specific cases.

Right to portability: the interested party may request their automated data from the Controller in a structured format that is easy to access and manage.

More information about your rights at

Likewise, you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


The data that will be stored in each “cookie” is the following: language, date and time of the last time the user visited our Website, design of content that the user chose on their first visit to our Website and security elements that intervene. in access control to restricted areas.
From this website we study the preferences of our users (demographic characteristics, their traffic patterns and other information together to understand the behavior and profile of our users). Tracking our users’ preferences helps us improve our Page as well as our services.
To do this, we use the Google Analytics system (Google’s tool for measuring website traffic), which can store cookies on your computer to help us collect information that will be used solely for statistical purposes and to study the behavior of users. users of our website. The information collected by the cookie (including IP) is stored and transmitted to Google servers in the United States. Google will use this data to collect your activity on our site and generate reports in order to identify your use of the site. Google may provide such information to third parties when required by applicable law. Acceptance of this policy implies acceptance of Google’s use of the information collected by Google Analytics.
You can configure your browser to refuse the storage of cookies on your computer. You can obtain more information in our Cookies Policy.



Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
– Postal Address: C/ Cabo Noval 2 – 26006
– Email:


For what purpose do we process your personal data?
At BODEGAS FRANCOESPAÑOLAS, S.A. We process the information provided to us by interested parties for the following purposes:

– Management and administration of the contractual relationship established with suppliers, clients and employees.
– Provide interested parties with commercial information about products and services that may be of interest to them.
– Video surveillance of the facilities in the event that you access our facilities
– Respond to your queries and questions in the event that you ask us a question through the website.
– Evaluate your candidacy for a future job vacancy, if you have provided us with your CV.
– Send you the newsletter if you request it.
– Management of events organized by the company.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data provided will be kept:
a) While the commercial relationship is maintained.
b) Its deletion is not requested by the interested party.
c) Information that by legal imperative must be kept for a specific time will not be deleted until the time indicated in the law has elapsed.


What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your data is the following:
– Execution of the contract in the event that you are a client employee, supplier.
– Legitimate interest in the event that it has been recorded by video surveillance cameras.
– Consent of the interested party provided on the website in the event that you make a request or query in our contact form or subscribe to the newsletter. Social networks image.
– Consent of the interested party in the event that they have sent their CV and register or attend an event.
– Legitimate interest when making advertising shipments.


To which recipients will your data be communicated?
a) The data will be communicated by legal requirement to:
Social security organizations (In the case of employees)
Public records
Professional associations
Tax administration (In the case of employees, suppliers and clients)
Other public administration bodies (In the case of employees, suppliers and clients)
National stock market commission
national gaming commission
Security forces and bodies (In the case of video surveillance)
Compliance/non-compliance with monetary obligations
Insurance entities (employee case)
Other financial entities
Health entities
Telecommunications service provision
Companies dedicated to Publications or Mk. straight
Associations and non-profit organizations
Unions and staff boards
Public administration with jurisdiction in matters
European Union bodies
b) The data will be communicated by contractual requirement to:
Organizations/people related to the person responsible
Notaries and attorneys (In the case of services provided to legal clients)
Banks, savings banks, and rural banks
c) The data (IMAGES) of EVENTOS will be communicated by your consent granted to the following Social Networks:
* The transfers described in this section c) entail an international transfer of data to the USA, for which the affected party gave their consent.


What are your rights?
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether the COMPANY is processing personal data that concerns them or not.

Right of access: the interested party may request from the Controller the data processed and, if so, what specific personal data is processed.

Right to rectification: the interested party may request the Controller to correct their personal data if it is not accurate.

Right of deletion: the interested party may request the Controller to delete their personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Right to object: the interested party may object to the Controller processing his or her personal data.

Right to limit processing: the interested party may request that the Controller temporarily not process his or her personal data in specific cases.

Right to portability: the interested party may request their automated data from the Controller in a structured format that is easy to access and manage.
How can rights be exercised?
By writing to BODEGAS FRANCO-ESPAÑOLAS, S.A., C/ Cabo Noval 2 – 26006 – Logroño

What claim methods exist?
If you consider that your rights have not been properly attended to, you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, C / Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid.